Google’s New Agency Accounts are Kind of a Mess
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Aimee Cozza on October 3rd, 2018
Listen, we’re Google users at hasOptimization. We talk great things about Google. But let’s face it… Google doesn’t always do everything well. Whether it’s having a myriad of unnecessary messaging apps for no good reason, or half-way phasing out an interfaced platform but not entirely that businesses and users alike use… Google has a history throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. So we come to Google’s new Agency accounts for Google My Business.
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Instagram Works Best with You In It!
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Aimee Cozza on July 31st, 2018
As a client of hasOptimization, we want you to do your best. We’re here to guide you on all things web, marketing, and social media. With that being said, there are some things that we can’t or shouldn’t do for you. Some of these are no-brainers: answering detailed customer questions, giving quotes or estimates, making sales pitches — those are all things you would want to take care of yourself, within the business, as you have the detailed information to give these answers as accurately as possible. Sometimes, the lines get blurred when it comes to social media. Most social…
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Reviews: What to do and what not to do
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Aimee Cozza on March 27th, 2018
One of the biggest sticking points when it comes to small business is reviews. While we have guides on what to do with bad reviews, and guides on how to ask for reviews, we need to also talk about the importance of reviews, especially when it comes to running a small business. Why are reviews so important? Reviews can make or break a small business. Online reviews are now “word-of-mouth” advertising on the internet. When you Google a business, often times you will see an aggregate of Yelp, Facebook, and Google reviews, showing off blurbs from reviewers as well as…
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Google Built-In Websites
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Aimee Cozza on March 5th, 2018
We’ve had a lot of notifications about this particular feature on Google My Business. When managing a lot of different locations on Google, Google can get obnoxious with reminders sometimes. However, any other owners on these accounts will also get notifications, which means that the business owners may be getting confusing notifications from Google as well. Don’t worry, business owner! We have it handled. What is it? Google has integrated the use of a “website” on their own server. This is great if you don’t have a website, and Google gives you the tools to build one without worrying about domains or server space….
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Brand Reputation: When to Throw Shade
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Aimee Cozza on March 5th, 2018
One thing small businesses struggle most with is brand reputation. Specifically, bad reviews. One bad review can really do a number on your reputation across the internet, depending on what it says and how it was received. While we do have guidelines on what to do with bad reviews and how to best handle them, we always advise our clients to let us respond rather than have the client respond themselves. Recently we had a couple of clients who did come down with bad response/bad review syndrome. The first case was a bad review that our client wanted to respond…
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Updating Your Website and Your Brand for 2018
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Aimee Cozza on February 13th, 2018
When making websites, we understand that a website we build for you today may be outdated as soon as a year from page launch. Because the internet is a part of technology, new things and ways to consume data and information routinely come out. A page that we made five years ago may not have the same functionality as a page that is created today. That’s why we offer website development services to update your brand website and attempt to add functionality where none exists. Many times we do this to conform with best practices for responsive website building, since…
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What is Waze and how can I add my business to it?
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Aimee Cozza on September 16th, 2017
You may or may not have heard of Waze. Waze is a map program that allows users to do a variety of things that your GPS may not currently do. For example, users can report roadblocks, police, and more. In theory it sounds pretty neat, but because it has limited usage and availability, it can be hard to find places on Waze, and some people who use it may have trouble finding your business. If you’re interested in listing your business on Waze, you will need to do a few things. Download the free Waze app on your Apple or…
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My business got a bad review – now what?
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Aimee Cozza on September 12th, 2017
The more I work with clients online the more I realize that not a single business is immune from bad reviews online. Getting a bad review can certainly feel like the end of the world, especially if you’re a reputable business trying to keep up a good reputation online and you don’t have a whole lot of reviews to begin with. The good news is it’s not the end of the world — and often times not the end of your business, either — and handling a bad review in the right way can be super important. Step 1: Don’t…
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How To: Create a LinkedIn Company Page
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Aimee Cozza on February 7th, 2017
What is LinkedIn? LinkedIN is a professional social media networking platform designed for industry professionals to post and build a “resume” type profile to be accessed by others on the same platform. What is a LinkedIn Company Page? A LinkedIN company page is a lot like a Facebook page. It operates a place that you can post as your business and promote inside of your business. People can follow that business and stay up to date with your posts. However, unlike Facebook, you can put in LinkedIN company pages:– Career and employment opportunities– Detailed company information– The ability to link…
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What social media service should I be using?
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Aimee Cozza on January 31st, 2017
The internet is a wonderful place. Not only does it put the wealth of human knowledge at our fingertips, it means we can access all kinds of once previously not as readily available information. With a quick Google search, you can pull up everything about a business – right down to when they are open, contact information, location, and sometimes even most popular times. Social media helps that. It’s a great way to substantiate your business page and engage with customers and potential customers, share ideas, as well as gather comments and criticisms that can help your business grow. So…
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