
Opinion: Is Bluehost the second worst host out there?

Posted by on September 19th, 2022

Everyone who reads the hasOptimization blog knows that I make no apologies when it comes to how hard I drag web hoster GoDaddy for their web hosting offerings, whether it comes to their price gouging for SSL certificates, charging for services that don’t actually do anything, their poor security, or any variety of shady business practices they have. However, I’ve never been public on the blog about my dislike of Bluehost as a registrar and a web hoster. Based on my experiences with Bluehost, I’d never recommend them to anyone.

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How does a domain transfer work?

Posted by on September 27th, 2021

People choose to move or transfer a domain for many reasons. A lot of those times, consolidation is the reason, given that having your domain in the same place as your host makes billing easier and less confusing. However, domain transfers can also occur when a company is sold, or a registrar is not living up to everything you thought they would be. Here’s how you can expect a domain transfer to work, and the steps needed for you to transfer a domain. This is a non-inclusive list and a general guide to what you can expect, not a how-to;…

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Is your hosting costing you unnecessary amounts of money?

Posted by on August 26th, 2019

At hasOptimization, we intend to apply optimization to all facets of work that we do. If we see something that can be done better somehow, we’ll at least make a point to suggest an easier, more optimized solution to that process. One of the constant sources of audit, especially for new clients, is their hosting packages. Time and again we find that clients are happily paying for services they don’t need, never use, or can be purchased cheaper elsewhere. This often means we can make a lot of cost-cutting suggestions to our clients that can sometimes save them hundreds or…

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