
Your Bad Landing Pages Are Costing You Money

Posted by on June 10th, 2022

When small businesses first start dipping their toes into the waters of Google Ads, they often think “I’ll just send the traffic to my home page and let people figure it out from there.” And this works… sort of. Yes, people see the ads and click and view the website, and they may even convert. However, those ads are probably costing a lot more money than they need to.

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Please Welcome PPC Advertising Manager Julia!

Posted by on September 11th, 2018

Remember I said the other day that we were doubling our staff, and then I had the gall to introduce just one person? Yeah, that math didn’t add up. But now it will! Please welcome our new PPC Advertising Manager, Julia Clark! Julia has a high-flying PPC resume, including work for some major brands and media outlets, and also holds a job with an NYC based marketing firm. She’ll be joining us part time to improve and expand our PPC advertising program, which currently is handled by yours truly. The long story short (or the TL;DR version, as we say…

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