Long list of amazing things you can do while in quarantine
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Aimee Cozza on March 18th, 2020
Updated 4/14/20. New items are marked with new We know that it’s going to be a rough bit of time, but don’t worry — we’re all in this together and we all feel the pain you do! We want to help. We’ve compiled a list of a ton of free or low cost things you can do while staying inside. Most of these things require the internet, so make sure you have a nice fast internet connection. Many more are kid-friendly (we’ll mark if they’re not), so if you have children that have to stay at home too, here are…
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Tips for Working At Home
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Aimee Cozza on March 16th, 2020
During this time of uncertainty, many companies are opting to adopt work-from-home policies. Working from home is great… If you have the kind of self-discipline to be at home around your pets and family and do meaningful work at the same time. Not everyone is an ideal candidate to work from home, and we understand that it can be more difficult for some people than others. hasOptimization is a work-from-home company, and we wanted to share with you some of the work from home tips and tricks to help you be as efficient and comfortable as possible during this time….
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Site Launch: Dudley Laufman
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Aimee Cozza on March 5th, 2020
hasOptimization is proud to announce the launch of a new website for renowned dance caller, musician, and poet Dudley Laufman. Dudley is located in central New Hampshire and needed a new website to publish his events on. He wanted to have an easier to update calendar solution, and also announce that he had books, CDs, and DVDs for sale. He wanted a very basic website, but wanted something a little easier to maintain. We were happy to oblige!
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Why Googling yourself doesn’t reveal your SERP ranking
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Aimee Cozza on February 25th, 2020
A consistent complaint we get from clients is “why am I not #1 when I search for myself on Google?” As an SEO company, it’s our duty to help our clients rank when they weren’t, and rank better than they were prior to coming aboard. However, the simple question of “why am I not #1” might seem like a simple answer (such as we aren’t doing our job), but the answer is much more complex than you might think.
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What you should know before hiring an SEO company
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Aimee Cozza on February 11th, 2020
Hiring an SEO company or marketer can be a big step for your business. All you have to do is pay a bit of money, and then you can rake in the benefits of increased business, right? The too long, didn’t read is that it’s not that simple. Any SEO company’s job is incredibly complex, and though we understand the complexities of things like search engines, algorithms, and more so you don’t have to, there are a few things you should know before hiring an SEO company.
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Site Launch: Rusalka Engravery
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Aimee Cozza on February 4th, 2020
hasOptimization is proud to announce the launch of a new site for Connecticut-based hand-engraver Rusalka Engravery. This small business owner is stepping out into the world on their own with their very first eCommerce website.
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How to send out freebies using MailChimp
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Aimee Cozza on January 30th, 2020
One helpful marketing tool we constantly try to get our clients to leverage is building marketing mailing lists. Building an email marketing list is a great way to get in direct contact with your customers — and potential customers — and can help you when you’re suffering from poor reach on social media platforms. It’s also a better way to make big announcements that go directly to people’s email. I’m sure you know the benefits of an email marketing list, but building one can be a challenge. Typically, clients import their current customers and stop there. There’s a big opportunity…
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Site Launch: Ermer & Suter, ESTPRS
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Aimee Cozza on January 24th, 2020
hasOptimization is proud to announce the launch of two new sites for Washington DC based law firm Ermer & Suter, PLLC. This law firm focuses on federal employment and benefit matters, and needed two very similar websites to suit. Additionally, the group was going through a rebrand when taking on an additional partner, so some logo refreshes were in order!
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Please Welcome Accessibility Specialist Lindsay!
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Aimee Cozza on January 20th, 2020
At hasOptimization, we’ve been working more towards practicing what we preach. While we believe in things like LGBTQ+ rights, are avid animal advocates, amongst other things, we believe that the web should be as accessible as possible to people of all walks of life. That’s why we’re constantly blogging about how to make your website more accessible, or your social media account. While we can give out tips for best practices, nothing is better than having a real world user work hand-in-hand with our developer to ensure things are functioning properly, as expected, and as best as they can. Only…
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2020 Web Design Trends to be On the Lookout For (With Examples)
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Aimee Cozza on December 30th, 2019
2020 is here, and while we predict that 2020 will show increased interest in web accessibility, we also are keeping our eyes on what seems to be trending recently for web design. While you don’t have to latch onto every trend you read, some trends are worth keeping, and others you can probably do without. Let’s take a look at trending web design for 2020.
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