In April, our client Sylvia Lewis was hosting an event to celebrate the new endowed status of the journal Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism and she asked hasOptimization to set up an events page showcasing the event. We’ve worked with Sylvia over the years on several projects, so we knew this event would promote inclusivity and diversity, two concepts that hasOptimization holds close to the heart.
Meridians is an academic journal that is a venture of Smith College and published by Duke University Press. Meridians provides a forum for scholarship and creative work by women of color in the United States and internationally. The journal has been running for over 20 years. The event celebrating the journal’s endowment (meaning it has permanent funding provided through the College), featured guests including Debbie Berger ‘86, Sylvia “Cookie” Wong Lewis ‘74, Alison Overseth ‘80 Trustee and Smith Board Chair, Denise Materre ‘74 Vice President for Alumnae Relations, and Professor and Editor Ginetta E.B. Candelario ‘90. Speakers optimistically shared with the room of Smithies the aspirations, accomplishments, and stories of the past at Meridians, as well as hopes for the future of the journal.
With three Smithies on the hasOptimization team, projects like this really make us feel at home. We focused on bringing the various elements of the event together on the Meridians site so future readers can reflect on how much work and collaboration has gone into making Meridians what it is now. We ended up with an events page that clearly laid out the program highlights, images, and titles of the attendants, which was easy to do while working side by side with other Smithies on the Meridians team!
Check out the event page and learn more about Meridians by subscribing to their newsletter!