When Kerry Barrett came to hasOptimization with ideas for an updated site, we were excited to help her create a site that reflected who she was and how passionate she is about helping people reach their potential. Kerry is an on-camera coach, corporate trainer and keynote speaker on a mission to help her clients level-up their on-camera skills and confidence so they can leverage video for authority, visibility and revenue.
Kerry did not disappoint when it came to supplying us with tons of content, video, and images for the site. We worked to incorporate what Kerry does, and who she is into each corner of the site. Using images that showed her working with clients, on screen, and in her own home, we came up with a design that was fun, inviting, and professional. We used a few shades of blue and green for the main site colors and accented that with stylistic details in soft white and gray.
As mentioned, Kerry has tons of content and her new site is overflowing with resources for her clients and newcomers. She has new videos and podcasts uploaded weekly as well as a few blogs a month so organizing this information to make it accessible was a top priority. Now when users land on Kerry’s site they have tons of options to choose from and the simplified navigation bar helps them get to where they want to go easily.
Kerry was great to work with and kept the inspiration coming! Check out her new site kerrybarrett.com and hop into one of her podcasts or instructional videos to learn more about being on camera and reaching your potential!