hasOptimization is pleased to welcome Remy Housley to the team! Remy (she or they) comes to us from the wilds of academia, where they’d started to feel a bit cramped. They bring to the team excellent communication skills, an abundance of smarts (they have a PhD in English, making them officially the most-degreed hasOptimization team member if I don’t miss my guess), and yet another cute dog for us to post on social media. Cute dogs aren’t a requirement to work here, but it helps. Keep an eye out for Skusha’s bat-eared face on our social media feeds–super adorable.
Having gone to Smith College also isn’t required to work here, but since Remy’s our third team member to have graduated from Smith, it clearly isn’t a negative either! She’s also our third person to be based in Massachusetts, although unlike most of us born New Englanders, Remy grew up in Alaska. Do I still get to say we’re based in NH when only two out of the six of us live here?
Remy joins the team at an interesting time. We’re growing and developing in some new directions, and need the hands and minds on deck to handle the projects for new and existing clients. Our growth means that my specific skills in Analytics and Google ads are required more often and more extensively, and I also spend more time growing the client base and managing the odds and ends that make up any small business. Bringing in a dedicated account manager last year (Courtney Fappiano) was a big shift for me, and for hasOptimization as a whole, but it’s been a hugely positive one in terms of our capacity for growth as well as for meeting our goals of being personal and responsive. Now that we’ve filled her client management capacity, adding another manager will give us room to grow a bit more (wondering where we’re headed? I expect we’ll add specialists in SEO and/or PPC in the next year).
Over the next few weeks, Remy will be learning her way around project setup for sites and marketing work, shadowing other team members to get a solid background in the various services we offer, and picking up the client point of contact role for some of our existing clients with well-established programs. You may hear their voice at the other end of the hasOptimization main phone line, too. There’s no real way to learn this funky little company and this far-ranging role other than to jump straight in the pool and swim, but I’m confident that Remy Housley is going to float just fine.