We love our clients, and our clients love us! We want to take the time to show our clients a little love by letting them have the spotlight. Today we’re sharing with you our client Sterling Plastic Surgery, a plastic surgeon office located in Bedford, NH.
Plastic surgery in Bedford, NH
Sterling Plastic Surgery is a plastic surgery office in Bedford, NH, helmed by Dr. Daniel Sterling. Dr. Sterling is a double-board certified plastic surgeon, as well as chief of plastic surgery at Elliot Hospital. Sterling Plastic Surgery has been open since 2014 in its 2 Washington Place in Bedford, NH location. We’ve been working with the team of Sterling Plastic Surgery to bolster their presence on the web, social media, and more.
What we do for Sterling Plastic Surgery
hasOptimization recently renovated Sterling Plastic Surgery’s website with a more inclusive and easier-to-use facelift. We also help them with reputation management, blogging, and social media in all its forms. We have also assisted them with review-generating materials including an email marketing list. We’re continually assisting them with modifications to help improve customer experience, ease of use, and for gathering new patients. We’re happy to work with Dr. Sterling and his knowledgeable crew!
Why you should visit Sterling Plastic Surgery
If you’re looking for cosmetic surgery in the Manchester, NH area, you should contact Sterling Plastic Surgery. Their kind, patient, helpful staff will walk you through everything you need to know prior to meeting with Dr. Sterling. Once in your consultation, Dr. Sterling’s calm attitude and unprecedented knowledge will help assuage your fears and concerns. Dr. Sterling is more than happy to answer any of your questions regarding your concerns for your plastic surgery, and will set realistic expectations. Additionally, the Sterling Plastic Surgery team is adding aesthetic solutions to their repertoire of service offerings. Follow them on Instagram or Facebook to learn when these new services (and what) are available!
Get in touch with Sterling Plastic Surgery
Ready to talk cosmetic surgery? Contact them via the contact form on their website, or you can use one of the methods below:
Sterling Plastic Surgery
2 Washington Place
Bedford, NH 03110
Phone: (603) 518-5450