You know how sometimes everything is just a bit…much? Yeah, well, that happens to us here at hasOptimization, too. But we like to ensure that our little company hasOptimization just as much as our clients do, so we did something about it! We hired an Awesome Assistant!
It’s been almost a year since Morgan Blake joined the team, and it’s been a whirlwind year of change and growth. We’re now super excited to welcome our Awesome Assistant (yes, that’s really her title!), for all the times when we just have a little bit more on our plates than we have time for.
So drumroll please, and welcome Cassandra Clarke! Cass is our farthest-flung staff member, hailing from Colorado. She has decades of industry experience in writing, editing, photography and other various and sundry talents. She’s worked in project management, customer service, and even game design.
In her free time, Cassandra reads, writes, plays video games, and hikes with her dog (It’s apparent that all hasOptimization employees must love dogs!).
Cassandra’s role may become more client-facing over time, but in the short term she’s going to be mostly behind the scenes, helping us become more organized, efficient, and effective. You know…Optimized!
We look forward to doing more good work with the help of our slightly larger Highly Optimized Staff.
Want to know more about our small but savvy staff? Check out our staff page for more on our Highly Optimized Staff and Awesome Associates.