Break Free 603 LLC is an escape room in Amherst, NH. The owner, Keith, did a fantastic job using MobiRise to create a nice starter website with necessary information. We call it a “starter” site, because as you know, in-browser website builders usually aren’t all that great. He did a good job of getting the information out on the web so people could find him and the escape room. With that being said, there were some issues.
He wanted us to take over updating the website as he couldn’t commit to constantly updating the website. The problem with this was that with the MobiRise editor, any changes we made could have been easily overridden by him if he also made changes. That meant any website updates, SEO changes, code changes, or otherwise could be swept away easy if we’re not tightly in touch and sending files back and forth to one another.

The good news about this was that we had a perfect solution — WordPress!
Since WordPress is collaborative, we can create individual users for each person who wants to update the site. Changes are made to the site in real time, and edits are made from there. Changes to posts and pages can also be reverted with WordPress’ revisions system, and we can see which changes were made and by whom. These are just some of the reasons why we love WordPress, along with the easy-to-use website backend that makes editing a breeze even for the most non-tech savvy individuals.
One of the other problems with Keith’s site was that it was a mostly single-page site. One page design seems to be making a comeback, but there are some problems we don’t necessarily love with one page design. It’s usually pretty SEO detrimental as you can only apply titles and descriptions to the one page instead of spreading out separate content amongst a variety of pages. Single-page sites provide a better mobile experience sometimes, but multiple page sites allow for more targeted keyword usage.
With all of these things in mind, we had Keith look through some selected templates (as budget and timetable didn’t allow for a custom design), and made some changes to match his brand. We created a custom illustrative header image for him to use on both the website as well as social media to make the escape room seem more exciting and adventurous — exactly what Break Free 603 is! We lightly customized the site, added some essential call-to-action areas, and tested over mobile and desktop devices.

You can check out a live version of the new website by clicking here.
Interested in a new website for your business? Get in touch!