EcoSource LLC, who provides cleaning services to business of all sizes in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, became a hasOptimization client in the summer of 2017. When we take on new clients, we often “inherit” sites that can be plagued with problems. Most of the time, sites can easily be modified or “fixed” to bring them up to speed.
With EcoSource, we inherited an older WordPress-based site. While it was great that it was WordPress, it hadn’t been updated in roughly five years. That meant it was running a very old version of WordPress. While many issues can sometimes be resolved by just upgrading WordPress, in this instance the page was utilizing a highly custom template that used a lot of plugins and specialty coding. This probably worked really well when the site was new, but a few years on without any updating, many essential items were broken or missing. Others were workarounds for features that have since been added to WordPress itself. Lastly, the site was lacking in now-essential features such as responsive pages for viewing on multiple devices.
We suggested to the client that creating a light re-design from scratch would be the best way to tackle a lot of these issues. The client agreed, but wanted to maintain somewhat of the original design and feel, while upgrading the site. Can do!

We utilized the same colors of the old EcoSource site, while pulling in old resources such as the background image, while upgrading other features and making even more functional. We removed things that the client did not want, such at the Twitter feed, and took out other less informational bits that the client did not like. We came up with a full width site that captured the look and feel of the old site, but with modern updates.

You can check out a live version of the new website by clicking here.
Interested in a new website for your business? Get in touch!