hasOptimization is proud to announce the launch of another brand new website. We are excited to show you the new website of client Maple Leaf Construction, LLC.
This client came to us with their old website which was a standard HTML website. While HTML websites are great for load time, and were the standard in web design at one point, many websites need additional features added to make browsing the best it can be on a variety of browsers as well as devices. Maple Leaf’s old HTML website was older than six years old; it was formatted for a small screen (Think back to the old 1024×768 days, or even 800×600!). This made the old design very “awkward” on larger screens, seeing as it was scaled into the left hand corner.
What we wanted to do for Maple Leaf was the engineer a website that was both friendly and functional. We also wanted to showcase their array of projects – and they certainly have a lot of them. Maple Leaf is a very busy construction client who has a lot of impressive projects to show. We wanted to give the visiting user a great interface to look through projects to inspire them and give them an idea of how well Maple Leaf Construction could handle their large scale project.
We also wanted to make sure that anyone – not just a small screen computer – could view and use their website. This meant creating a responsive website that would scale given the screen size the user was utilizing at the time. This is basic practice for hasOptimization, and many websites we create for clients this is a great new feature to have to improve accessibility as well as Google rankings (do we have a blog post about Google ranking mobile friendly sites higher?).
Check out the old website below:

Our new hasOptimization website, both mobile friendly and SEO friendly (click on the image to visit the site):
Ready to get started on your new web design? We can help! Get in touch with us today to get started.